Help: Digital editions

Here's all you need to know about getting your digital editions from Helmgast. There are four ways you can get a digital edition of a Helmgast product depending on what product you bought and how: A digital product from our webshop A digital product...

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Fan Content Policy

It’s amazing and cool that so many want to create artwork, websites, and other stuff based on the intellectual property of our games and our company (“Helmgast IP”). At the same time as we want to encourage creating and sharing stuff, we spend a lot...

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Work with us

Helmgast consists of a growing, global team of freelancers and we are always on the lookout for more people with talent and passion for our games. This document outlines what you need to know and do if you are curious about working with Helmgast. We...

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The Troubleshooters' Archive

Downloadable material for The Troubleshooters will be posted here. Demo scenarios Demo scenarios are for demonstrations at events, conventions, stores etc, estimated to take an hour to play in the short version, and two hours in the long version. D1 -...

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Test note

This is a test of the Papernote theme. Here you can write your player's handouts.

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Security and privacy

Helmgast AB is running on an internal platform called Lore. We strongly believe in digital tools to enhance the publishing and consumption of role-playing games. The platform is under constant development and some features may be under beta-testing,...

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