Magi - den förbjudna konsten, unik Magikratutgåva

Extra lyxig utgåva med omslag i purpur och guld.

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Neotech Edge T-shirt

Vi har ett fåtal exemplar kvar av Neotech Edge T-shirts, som aldrig sålts föruts utan bara tilldelats medlemmar i Neotech-teamet. Passa på innan det är för sent!

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KULT: Divinity Lost Nepharite Tote Bag

A limited edition tote bag for KULT: Divinity Lost.

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The Forbidden - Scenario Collection

The Forbidden is a scenario collection that contains three scenarios that has been deemed too controversial to be sold in retail store. It also contains a gallery with uncensored art from the game.

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I äventyret Piratöarna är rollpersonerna inkvisitorer i en nybildad grupp, speciellt sammansatt för att frita primod Arminius och reliken S:t Alexius avhuggna hand. PDF ingår.

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Klostrets klagan

Äventyret utspelas i det lilla klostret Nya Termina ute i ödemarken, och munkarna ber nu om hjälp. PDF ingår.

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Ingenmansland är ett mysterieäventyr som utspelar sig i träskmarkerna i de sydvästra del­arna av hertigdömet Krylomar i storfursten­dömet Damarien. PDF ingår.

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Troll & vättar, helmgastutgåva

Modulen Troll & vättar beskriver två av Mundanas bokstavligt talat mest ljusskygga släkten, de väldiga trollen och de dolska vättarna. PDF ingår.

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Troll & vättar, standardutgåva

Modulen Troll & vättar beskriver två av Mundanas bokstavligt talat mest ljusskygga släkten, de väldiga trollen och de dolska vättarna. PDF ingår.

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Inferno Dice set for KULT: Divinity Lost

A dice set with six custom-made d10 for KULT: Divinity Lost, inspired by Inferno.

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Deck of Traits for KULT: Divinity Lost

A massive deck consisting of 210 cards for easy rule references for the game master and the players.

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Weapon Deck for KULT: Divinity Lost

A deck of 55 weapon cards for easy reference for the players during play.

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Black Edition - Screams and Whispers - Scenario Collection

The “Black Edition” exclusive variant of the scenario collection - Screams and Whispers - features an all-black cloth cover with the KULT name in blood red. This is for the hardcore KULT-fan, looking for something extraordinary.

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Screams and Whispers - Scenario Collection

The hardcover scenario collection Screams and Whispers for KULT: Divinity Lost

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Black Edition - Beyond Darkness and Madness - Gamemaster Sourcebook

The “Black Edition” exclusive variant of the Gamemaster sourcebook - Beyond Darkness and Madness - features an all-black cloth cover with the KULT name in blood red. This is for the hardcore KULT-fan, looking for something extraordinary.

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Beyond Darkness and Madness - Gamemaster Sourcebook

The hardcover Gamemaster sourcebook Beyond Darkness and Madness for KULT: Divinity Lost

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Labyrinths and Secret Chambers - map and floor plan bundle

Bundle with 100 unique maps and floor plans.

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Black Edition - Taroticum and Other Tales - Scenario collection

The “Black Edition” exclusive variant of the scenario collection book - Taroticum and Other Tales - features an all-black cloth cover with the KULT name in blood red. This is for the hardcore KULT-fan, looking for something extraordinary.

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Black Edition - The Black Madonna - full-length campaign

The “Black Edition” exclusive variant of the full lenght scenario - the Black Madonna - features an all-black cloth cover with the KULT name in blood red. This is for the hardcore KULT-fan, looking for something extraordinary.

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Vägen bort - farvattenskarta

Färgkarta över Vägen bort, tillbehör till Sirenens Klagan, C4 storlek

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Sirenens klagan – Operation Titan-utgåva

Utforska det myllrande Krilloan, utmana Kopparhavets faror och avslöja sirenernas hemlighet. Sirenens klagan är kampanj, en världsmodul och en regelexpansion i ett! PDF ingår.

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Sirenens klagan

Utforska det myllrande Krilloan, utmana Kopparhavets faror och avslöja sirenernas hemlighet. Sirenens klagan är kampanj, en världsmodul och en regelexpansion i ett! PDF ingår.

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Kompendium Lägre vandöda

Kompendium över lägre vandöda.

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Kompendium Mundanas stjärnhimmel

Kompendium över Mundanas stjärnhimmel med stjärnkartor över såväl norra som södra halvklotet.

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Magi - nekrotropi

Boken för dig som vill spela döds- och föruttnelsemagiker där du nedkallar sjukdomar, orsakar hemska sår hos dina fiender eller hjälper folk att dra ut sina skadade tänder. PDF ingår.

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Magi - astrotropi

Boken för dig som vill spela stjärnmagiker där stjärnkonstellationer och födelsemånad är centrala koncept. PDF ingår.

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Deck of Things

Keep track of your troubleshooter's equipment with the handy deck of gear kits. 54 bilingual cards of gear kits, in English on one side and French on the other.

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Director's Control Display

Hide your secrets from your players with the Director's Control Display. A GM screen with three portrait panels, with the most vital information on the inside – bilingual in French and English.

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Troubleshooters dice pack

Play The Troubleshooters as it was meant to be played with these custom dice! Seven six-sided dice and two ten-sided dice in red with white faces.

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Cloth bag

Carry your Troubleshooters swag like a pro.

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Charts & Blueprints

A must-have accessory for the adventure The U-Boat Mystery! Includes a navigational chart of the Vikraminay strait and three accurate blueprints for the adventure.

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City Map Pack

Don't get lost! These city maps are helpful for any visiting tourist or adventurer! A set of four practical maps of the centres of Berlin, Brussels, London and Paris.

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International Passport Set

Never leave your passport at home when going on an adventure! A set of five 32 page booklets to keep track of your Troubleshooter's adventures and personal data, each with a different cover with an international theme.

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Passport Set

Never leave your passport at home when going on an adventure! A set of three 32 page booklets to keep track of your Troubleshooter's adventures and personal data.

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Troubleshooters T-shirt Octopus

Purple t-shirt with the Octopus logo on the left side of the chest.

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Troubleshooters T-shirt #$%@!!!

White t-shirt with Éloïse swearing

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Troubleshooters T-shirt Black

Black t-shirt with the Troubleshooters logo across the chest.

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U-boat Mystery Scenario Book (Deluxe Edition)

A kidnapping. A map. A lost u-boat. An exciting adventure which takes you from Paris to a lost u-boat on the other side of the world! Can the adventurers figure out who is behind the kidnapping, and find the secret of the lost u-boat from WW2? The Deluxe Edition comes with an exclusive purple cloth cover with the embossed logo of The Octopus, the evil organisation aiming for control of the world of The Troubleshooters.

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U-boat Mystery Scenario Book (Standard Edition)

DEN HÄR PRODUKTEN FINNS INTE PÅ SVENSKA! A kidnapping. A map. A lost u-boat. An exciting adventure which takes you from Paris to a lost u-boat on the other side of the world! Can the adventurers figure out who is behind the kidnapping, and find the secret of the lost u-boat from WW2? The adventure is suitable for 3-5 players.

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Core Rules Deluxe Edition

Where in the world will your next adventure take you? Welcome to The Troubleshooters, the action-adventure roleplaying game of international mystery! Inspired by French and Belgian comics like Tintin, Spirou et Fantasio, Yoko Tsuno and others, The Troubleshooters takes you on exciting adventures around the globe. With gorgeous art in the same style and intuitive and fast-paced rules, The Troubleshooters sucks you in to explore exotic locations all over the world!

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Core Rules Standard Edition

Where in the world will your next adventure take you? Welcome to The Troubleshooters, the action-adventure roleplaying game of international mystery! Inspired by French and Belgian comics like Tintin, Spirou et Fantasio, Yoko Tsuno and others, The Troubleshooters takes you on exciting adventures around the globe. With gorgeous art in the same style and intuitive and fast-paced rules, The Troubleshooters sucks you in to explore exotic locations all over the world

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Piratöarna , PDF

I äventyret Piratöarna är rollpersonerna inkvisitorer i en nybildad grupp, speciellt sammansatt för att frita primod Arminius och reliken S:t Alexius avhuggna hand. PDF ingår.

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Klostrets klagan, PDF

PDF av Klostrets klagan. Äventyret utspelas i det lilla klostret Nya Termina ute i ödemarken, och munkarna ber nu om hjälp.

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Ingenmansland, PDF

Detta är PDF:en av Ingenmansland, ett mysterieäventyr som utspelar sig i träskmarkerna i de sydvästra del­arna av hertigdömet Krylomar i storfursten­dömet Damarien.

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Troll & vättar, PDF

Detta är en pdf av boken Troll & vättar där två av Mundanas bokstavligt talat mest ljusskygga släkten beskrivs: de väldiga trollen och de dolska vättarna.

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Sirenens klagan: Fartygsark

Fartygsark för nivåerna Sirener och Titaner i Kickstartern för Sirenens klagan.

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Labyrinths and Secret Chambers [DIGITAL PDF] - map and floor plan bundle

This is the digital PDF version of Labyrinths and Secret Chambers for KULT: Divinity Lost. It consists of a bundle with 100 unique maps and floor plans.

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Deck of Traits [DIGITAL PDF] for KULT: Divinity Lost

This is the digital PDF version of the Deck of Traits for KULT: Divinity Lost. A massive deck consisting of 210 cards for easy rule references for the game master and the players.

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Weapon Deck [DIGITAL PDF] for KULT: Divinity Lost

The digital PDF version of the Weapon Deck for KULT Divinity Lost. A deck of 55 weapon cards for easy reference for the players during play.

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Screams and Whispers [DIGITAL PDF] - Scenario Collection

The DIGITAL PDF version of the scenario collection Screams and Whispers

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Beyond Darkness and Madness [DIGITAL PDF] - Gamemaster Sourcebook

The DIGITAL PDF version of the Gamemaster sourcebook Beyond Darkness and Madness

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Vägen bort - farvattenskarta [PDF]

Färgkarta över Vägen bort, C4 storlek, PDF.

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Sirenens klagan [PDF]

Utforska det myllrande Krilloan, utmana Kopparhavets faror och avslöja sirenernas hemlighet. Sirenens klagan är kampanj, en världsmodul och en regelexpansion i ett! PDF-utgåva.

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Karta över Kopparhavet [PDF]

Fyrfärgskarta över Kopparhavet med symboler för viktiga ätter och organisationer. Digital, PDF, motsvarande 50x70cm.

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Deck of Things PDF [DIGITAL]

Keep track of your troubleshooter's equipment with the handy deck of gear kits. 54 bilingual cards of gear kits, in English on one side and French on the other.

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